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The Huntress xx

Howlite One Polished Side

Howlite One Polished Side

Regular price $20.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD Sale price $20.00 AUD
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I am calm, patient, and emotionally healed.


Always ready to help cool down fiery tempers, slow down heartbeats, and lead with wisdom, Howlite is a crystal that vibrates gently, which helps to connect and flow, raise our own sense of awareness, and eliminate any cloudiness. This calming stone helps with calm, peace, deep reflection, and tranquility, aiding spiritual growth by placing you in a position of calm acceptance and quieting your spirit. If you find meditation difficult due to distraction, Howlite is a great stone to keep by your side during your practices.

weight loss, pain relief, blood disorders, heart health, cellular memory and structures, genital herpes, warts, ulcerative conditions, hormonal imbalances, burns, restless legs, hormone-related headaches, self-development, linking to higher self


Zodiac : Gemini

Element : Wind

CHakra : Crown


between 150-200 g 

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