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Affirmations: words of inner wisdom

Affirmations: words of inner wisdom

Regular price $18.00 AUD
Regular price $18.00 AUD Sale price $18.00 AUD
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Lorriane Anderson is a tarot reader, astrologer, spiritual teacher, writer, and soul-based entrepreneur. Her work focuses heavily on sacred and intentional living as well as using spiritual practices as a pathway for profound healing, growth, and transformation. She is heavily influenced by her diverse lineage, bringing together healing practices from her ancestors in a practical, updated way. She owns and operates Spirit Element, a soul-based apothecary-Made with Stardust-which provides private label development and supplies for spiritual-based businesses; and The Practice of Self, a school for magic. Her published works include Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle, Affirmations: Words of Inner Wisdom, and The Earthcraft Oracle. She currently lives in Los Angeles, CA. Instagram @spiritelement Instagram @thepracticeofself contains 40 Cards 

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